Over 10 years we help companies reach their financial and branding goals. Engitech is a values-driven technology agency dedicated.



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New Edge Business

Work From Home OR Work From Office?

Work From Home (WFH) or Work From Office? What’s all the fuss about?   If you’re an average office-goer, the odds are you are not really a fan of having to get up before the break of dawn almost every day and then get suited up to commute to your office. Office life can get a […]

New Edge Business

Will AI Cause Mass Unemployment?

Artificial Intelligence has often been feared, from those that worry robots will one day take over the world to those that worry about our increasing dependence on it. While we don’t expect a re-enactment of the Terminator movies, the second concern is a valid worry. Many of us are becoming more dependant on AI, especially […]

New Edge Business

Edge Computing & Why It’s Important

With deployments of IoT devices and the arrival of 5G fast wireless. Edge computing is transforming the way data is being handled, processed, and delivered around the world.   You’ve heard of Cloud Computing, but what exactly is it? That’s a good question. So before we get to the nitty-gritty details, let me tell you how […]

New Edge Business

The World of Internet of Things (IoT)

Much of the mainstream hype about the Internet of Things, or IoT, has centred around the built-in connectivity of consumer devices. However, the use of IoT in industries is potentially far more meaningful. The advance in technology has already revolutionised the way many industries operate, and it will continue to do so.    Known as Industrial […]

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