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New Edge Business
These days, it is normal to have several platforms for different types of user and business applications. For instance, it is now commonplace to have your website available for various users to use while working at home or in casual computing. As such, maintaining control over such user accounts can become a major challenge for a business owner.

These days, it is normal to have several platforms for different types of user and business applications. For instance, it is now commonplace to have your website available for various users to use while working at home or in casual computing. As such, maintaining control over such user accounts can become a major challenge for a business owner.

Different users have different preferences when it comes to accessing accounts online. Website users may prefer to use the accounts vary by location, language and age. In addition, each of these user accounts require a user to provide information about himself or herself. How then are they supposed to find the right match for each other?

Your Guide to Online Accounts

Having your home computer should offer you the option of creating a number of user accounts. However, you will probably never use all of these accounts and you are likely to end up with duplicate accounts when you have to choose one user account for multiple users. Instead, most users will tend to use the same username and password for multiple accounts. duplicating numerous user accounts becomes a major source of headaches for any business user.

In this article, we will give you a few hints and tips to help you keep your user name and password a secret. This should help you maintain your online accounts’ security.

Keep your password a secret

While letting your friends and family know of your user name and password may be precautionary, doing so will also help maintain your online privacy. Moreover, never let your secret out even to your closest friends. Sharing your password even with someone you consider a friend is dubious and unwise.

Don’t freight your secret username and password around

It is unwise to list your personal name followed by “Admin” as part of your user name. Rather, use your first name and last name. Adding numbers, dime words, or other symbols may also violate maintenance of your strict privacy. abrupt change of your user name may also be in order.

Manage your passwords

If you have problems managing all the passwords you accumulated, then you can consider downloading password managers such as LastPass, Mozilla, and RoboForm. These programs will help you manage your passwords and will generate and store them for you. You can download free versions of these password managers to make sure that your passwords are safe. You can also try an efficient way to manage passwords by using Microsoft’s Encrypting File System (EFS).

Protect your password

One of the biggest mistakes you can ever make is to use “Admin” as your password. Whenever you are creating a new account, created passwords should be random and set with different users. Listing your usernames and passwords in a document is also discouraged. If you must use this practice, use a password that you create with.

For the best protection, use multiple accounts

Multiple accounts will provide you greater protection since you will not have to constantly change your password and because they are written on a piece of paper, they will not be susceptible to theft. You can utilize your primary bank account and a separate credit card to maintain your online accounts.

Be mindful of email attachments

When receiving an email, be mindful of its attachments. Avoid opening attachments from people you do not know. It is because they can lay hands on your credit card and other details without knowing it. Also, be mindful of links you receive in your email. Avoid replying to spoofed emails because they also do not possess proper checks and are likely to contain viruses.

Do not open PayPal or any other appearing e-mail, even if it comes from a known contact

Some viruses are hidden in emails. Before opening an email from a known contact, be sure that the email is legitimate. You may also want to visit the anti-virus website that came to your email.

If you have a web hosting service, or you are using Linux or Mac OS X, anti-virus software is “built in”. You may have a firewall, but it is wiser to configure one. Firewalls are great in helping you prevent hackers from attacking your computer.

Keep your computer updated

Update your browser and your anti-virus software regularly. These updates may detect threats that were not present when you installed the software.

Scan your computer frequently

This is the best way to protect your computer from infections. Do a scan every time you use your computer.

Use a web host with a reputation

Hosting companies that have a reputation and are well-known to have their own protection systems. Most companies that offer free Web hosting have their own protection systems.

When you become a happy customer of Gemraj Technologies Ltd, you will be rewarded with a reputation boost.

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