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New Edge Business

AI has come a long way in recent years, especially with ChatGPT’s overwhelming success. ChatGPT became so successful that Microsoft was quick to invest a whopping $10 billion and obtain a 49% stake in ChatGPT’s creator: OpenAI.

AI: What is it?

At its core, AI, or artificial intelligence, refers to the ability of machines to perform tasks typically handled by humans; both mundane and intelligent. Some examples from simple to complex may be:

  • Data entry
  • Analysis
  • Image and speed recognition


AI can do more than we think

We know that AI can learn, and we may say that AI learns from human behaviour, practices and mistakes—but not always! AI can improve itself without human intervention to the point where it can solve problems or answer questions it was never initially trained on. Impressive!


So AI is beneficial, but what can it do for you? For businesses?

With how effective AI is at automating tasks with absolute consistency and accuracy, it comes as no surprise that AI can streamline business processes and significantly improve operational efficiency. Handling repetitive tasks, solving complex problems, and handling data analysis which, in the past, would have taken the time of your employees, now allows you to focus internal resources on more strategic business objectives that require a human.

What else?

  1. Make better decisions using insights and recommendations from data analysis.
  2. Provide a personalised experience and recommendations for customers (again, thanks to data analysis).
  3. Gain a competitive edge by using AI to optimise operations and gain market trend insights.


Is AI a threat to human workers?

It’s difficult to see any downside of artificial intelligence. However, with advanced capabilities that consistently provide accurate results, it begs the question: Is AI a threat to us, the human workers?

The answer is divided. Pew Research says:

  • 48% of experts surveyed believe that robots and digital agents will displace a significant number of blue and white-collar jobs.
  • The remaining 52% expect AI to create more jobs than they take, believing that human ingenuity will create new jobs and alternate means of earning.


Integrating AI

Integrating AI into your business is an investment that will guarantee growth, innovation and profit. However, implementing it requires a strategy designed around your business model.

That all starts with expertise, so why not let Gemraj Technologies do the heavy lifting?

We’ll tailor the strategy and even lead the integration process, bringing you cutting-edge technology and the power of AI.

Get in touch with us today to book a FREE IT consultation!

0800 051 7679 or sales@gemrajtechs.com

Primary Source: Forbes

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